
committed to the management of risks from natural hazards using sustainable, innovative and tailored modelling and analytical solutions.


Waternumbers was founded by Paul Smith to bring expertise in the modelling, statistical analysis and forecasting of natural hazards to consultants, academics and operational practitioners. It helped to deliver research and consultancy projects working with national authorities, commercial entities and NGOs.

Paul now holds a posistion at JBA Consulting and continues creating and maintaining the open source software for modelling environmental data. Waternumbers continues as a brand associated with the software products it helped develop. If you are looking for consultancy services or wish to collaborate please contact paul@waternumbers.co.uk.



Kalman Filtering Image

waternumbers currently maintains the Fast Kalman Filter package for R. The Fast Kalman Filter Toolbox allows the implementation of multivariate time series filtering with external time varying inputs and missing data using the linear Kalman filter.


floodfort image

The Flood Forcasting Toolbox allows the development of flood forecasting models based on Data Based Mechanistic methods.


floodfort image

Dynamic TOPMODEL is a semi-distributed hydrological model with multiple uses. Tools for the GIS processing to generate models, simulation code and training materials are available.